My name's Lyndi, and I love Story. The kind with the capital S, the kind that twists and turns and takes you new and exciting places. The kind you only see when you look back in life, the curvy road you took that led you here, where you are now in your life journey.
I've been "on the way" for a while, almost 30 years, as it so happens. My trail started in Michigan, led me to Colorado, and right now the Storymaker has me here, in Santiago de Los Caballeros, Dominican Republic, working here: La Casa Grande Centro de Misiones Internacional.
I'm the staff worship leader, occasional Spanish/English interpreter, editor, and communications/social media coordinator here at the missions base, which is kind of a fun mix of my life passions.
My heartbeat is to see Jesus glorified, specifically through musical worship in the local church, and to see a generation rise up of young women who know who they are in Christ and can see Him as a loving Father who values them and created them with purpose.
I'm single, and I've got a great, hilarious, eclectic family that tends to grow wherever I go.
I go everywhere with a camera. Because pictures and learning how to take better ones is super fun.
Being a sister is the best thing in the world.
I like coffee and chocolate and drinking lots of water. Also, apples and strawberries are fantastic. And carrots give me hiccups.
I love nutrition and working out, but I'm still trying to find a system for that when I don't do my own grocery shopping and I don't have any workout equipment. I also have a metal hip, which makes me pretty much bionic. My special powers I divulge only on a need-to-know basis.
When I get started on a project, sometimes I can't quit until my eyes shut by themselves. (Like this blog. It's 11:13 at night. I keep thinking I should quit, but... I'm still at it!)
I get impatient with people who can't punctuate or spell.
I love purple, mugs, spoons, word games, notes from friends, and Dr. Who.
Adventure? Is seeing the story unfold. Taking risks, being willing to get a little messy, and watching how God really flows in a life of faith.