Sunday, June 10, 2012

Of Coon Hounds and Christians (And Their Arch-nemeses)

Dog Doors and Deserts

"C'mon, Katie Sue!" I urged. "You can do it! It'll be great! I promise, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

I heard a tormented squeal from the other side of the doggie door, toenails tapping on the concrete floor just inside. I clapped my hands to help build excitement and momentum. "Just come on outside! You know you need to!  It's outside!" I trilled emphatically. Just how had I ended up dogsitting for the one paranoid coon hound on the face of the planet who can't go outside by herself because she's terrified...of the doggie door? And she'd been inside for quite a while-- an outdoor adventure/bathroom break became more necessary by the moment. What's that make me? You bet. Doggie Cheerleader. "C'mon, puppy! You're an awesome dog! You've got what it takes! You can do it! I'm right here!"

This excessive usage of exclamation points quickly exhausted my enthusiasm, which then waned a little cynical. Still upbeat and encouraging, however, I continued. "Katie Sue! Oh Katie Sue! It'll be amazing! This is OUTSIDE! You LOVE it out here!"

Nothing. The door didn't budge, and I knew Katie Sue was on the other side of it, trembling and watching it longingly as if it would suddenly swing wide as the screen door (which is apparently less scary). She wanted everything that was in the great outdoors with everything that was within her (and believe me, I wanted her to experience it all!) but she just couldn't take a leap through the door that would get her there.

"It's just a door! You'll go down in history as the dog who went through the door! Just PLEASE come outside!" Please! I added inwardly, either a prayer or an attempt at doggie ESP. I'm really not sure which. 

Of course nothing happened except a couple of frantic barks. And I couldn’t wait there all night. With a sigh I took the human screen-door route back inside, came around behind her, and gave her rump a shove. Somehow that did it, and with a tremulous wriggle she burst forth like a racehorse from the gate...and made it all of three feet from her nemesis "DOG DOOR THE BURNINATOR" before the call of nature was just too strong to resist anymore.

I slumped against the wall inside. Canine cheerleading is exhausting.

I wonder how often "people cheerleading" is exhausting for God. He knows what we need, what we want, what's good for us. He places opportunities in front of us, worlds of new Creation for us to explore and enjoy. But sometimes we just can't make ourselves walk through the narrow way to get there. Maybe there's something we can't see on the other side. Maybe we're looking for the catch or the booby trap. All that really stands between us and His promise is equivalent to a flimsy flap-door. 

Sometimes moving forward blind actually makes us stronger. God is outside time. He's both behind us, urging us ahead, and in front of us in the Promised Land, calling us toward Him. He knows what we'll find there and He knows that His promises are good. The giants on the way? No biggie.  The desert in between? The blind spot? Only a problem if we don't trust Him and stop moving, paralyzed in fear. Sometimes we stay in our deserts a lot longer than we need to because we stop taking steps of faith that would take us forward and out.

"But what if it's not God's will?" we whine (I'm picturing us all as Katie Sue, with tremblingly rigid tails and a couple of panicky yipping barks). "What if this is the wrong path?"

Well, friend, are you saved? Sanctified? Are you Spirit-led? Are you submitting? Then, as John MacArthur says in his book Found: God's Will, do whatever you want! When our hearts are submitted to God's heart and we understand Him and His character, the passions He places within our spirits, opportunities He places in front of us, and free will are an indomitable force.

Don't be paralyzed by the doggie door or the desert. Take the next step and know that the Promised Land with all its possibilities is just on the other side.

(C'mon! You can do it! It's gonna be great! You know you want to!!!)


Johanna said...

"You'll go down in history as the dog who went through the door!" Really, I heard you say just that to Katie Sue - and I thought it was funny. But now I see a different layer to that if I compare myself to the red coon hound with God encouraging me along the "narrow aisle".

Thank you for taking time to write this. It reminded me of 'Hinds' Feet on High Places' and how little Much Afraid did not always trust the Shepherd's course for her. But he was right there with her the whole time, encouraging her on the way (both in the enthusiastic way you encouraged Katie Sue, and in the hard 'this-is-what-has-to-happen' way that we also need).

Yay for an update!
~ J